astronau.gif (133120) | FLOATING SHUTTLE ASTRONAUT |
bergen01.gif (159013) | inter-planetary astronaut |
cccpss.gif (216083) | russian shuttle on pad | (641872) | De nombreuses images (format jpeg) de la collision entre la comète Shoemaker-Levy 9 et Jupiter, prises par le téléscope Hubble. |
landing.gif (177859) | discovery comes in for a landing |
launch.gif (159391) | sharp space shuttle launch |
lost1a.gif (72497) | dedicated to challenger crew |
luna.gif (107339) | sharp photo of the moon |
mmu.gif (336989) | astronaut space walk |
moon1.gif (80945) | artsy "moon for sale" |
nasa02.gif (168988) | U.S. astronaut on the moon |
nasa05.gif (149607) | NASA shuttle comes in for landing |
nasa06.gif (160982) | U.S. astronauts climb into rocket |
nasa07.gif (187569) | astronaut floats in space |
nasa08.gif (222963) | satellite orbiting the earth |
nasa141.gif (128530) | space shuttle lifting off |
nasa142.gif (135029) | challenger shuttle on the launchpad |
nasa143.gif (159331) | challenger lifts off the pad |
nasa145.gif (149947) | challenger comes in for a landing |
nasa147.gif (164439) | shuttle and guide come in for landing |
nasa15.gif (117632) | view of the earth from the moon |
nasa16.gif (138715) | rocket at launch |
nasa17.gif (204944) | view of nasa launch pad |
nasa19.gif (122745) | satellite and shuttle with open bays |
nasa25.gif (188465) | nasa 25th anniversary picture |
atlas6.jpg (49697) | Atlas rocket launching |
earth1.gif (167296) | the earth viewed from the moon |
earthap.jpg (87992) | the earth viewed from the space |
edgegal.jpg (5880) | |
endroll.jpg (116398) | Big picture of the Endeavour spaceship |
engwales.jpg (28419) | the earth from the Space; a vue on Wales |
europe.jpg (55220) | the earth from the Space; a vue on Europe (colours are artificial) |
fromorb.jpg (19567) | a vue of the earth from orbit |
mercury.gif (106112) | a picture of Mercury |
mons.gif (132386) | |
moon.gif (174080) | a picture of the Moon |
Cette page html a été crée avec un simple script shell sous linux. Merci aux auteurs de linux, gawk, grep et bash ! :)
Le format a été inspiré du programme BBS to HTML
d'Eric Lapaille
Ce script a été modifié par Christian Vanguers Les modifications sont : Ajout de cellules qui font une mise en ordre des fichiers et leur description sur la page HTML.