Note: variants are written between square brackets. Spelling or purely phonetic variants (we love them) are not presented. For verbs, I sometimes give some examples of morphologic magics; for nouns, an article that indicates the gender is provided: "ene" for feminine; "on" for the masculine.

Enough talking, we want facts:

- bee: ene moxhe (al låme)
- to bark: bawyî (dji bawîye, nos bawiant, dj' a bawyî); hawer (dji
	hawe, nos hawans, dj' a hawé)
- to abrige, to make shorter: rascoûrti [ra(s)coûrti] (dji rascoûrti,
	nos rascoûrti(c)hans, dj' a rascoûrti), rastrinde (dji rastrind, nos
	rastrindans, dj' a rastrindu)
- short: court, coûte
- to shelter from: si mete a hute, è cwete, å rcwè...
- apricot: on åbricot [a-]
- accent: on acsint
- accident: on acsidint

- to accompany: acpagn'ter (dj' acpagn'teye, nos acpagn'tans, dj' a
	acpagn'té), aler avou (dji va, nos alans, dj' a stî)

- agreement: on acwaerd
- to agree: esse / si mete d' acwaerd
- accordion: on årmonica

- to accost: arinni / arinner (dj' arinne, nos arinnans, dj' a
	arinné), aconcwester (dj' aconcwesteye, nos aconcwestans, dj' a
	aconcwesté), atauchî (dj' atauche, nos atauchans, dj' a atauchî)

- to deliver a baby: s' acoûtchî (dji m' acoûtche, nos nos acoûtchans,
	dji m' a acoûtchî), si racrexhe (dji m' racrexhe, nos nos racrexhans,
	dji m' a racrexhu)

- to accustom to: s' afaiti a (dji m' afaiti, nos nos afaitixhans, dji
	m' a afaiti), s' acostumer a (dji m' acostume, nos nos acostumans, dji
	m' a acostumé), si fé a (dji m' fai, nos nos fians, dji m' a fait)

- to hang: acrotchî (dj' acrotche, nos acrotchans, dj' a acrotchî),
	pinde (dji pind, nos pindans, dj' a pindu)

- to crouch down: s' ascropi (dji m' ascrope, nos nos ascropans, dji
	m' a ascropu)

- to buy: atchter (dj' atchteye, nos atchtans), acater (dj' acate, nos

- steel: on acî [acîr]
- news: les noveles (fem.)
- addition: ene addicion
- good bye: adiè
- teenager: ene djonne djin, on djonnea / ene djonnete
- deft, clever: adroet
- adult: ene grande djin
- to adore: adorer
- to air: ranairi (dji ranairi, nos ranairixhans, dj' a ranairi)
- airport: on areyopôrt

- to state, to assert: acertiner (dj' acertineye, nos acertinans),
	assûrer (dj' assûre, nos assûrans)

- to rush, to flow: aploûre (il aplouvèt), aflouwer

- to irritate, to get on sb's nerves: soyî (dji sôye, nos soyans, dj'
	a soyî), taner (dji tane, nos tanans, dj' a tané)

- irritating: soyant, tanant, tanisse
- agenda: on ajen'da

- to act: adji (dj' adji, nos adjixhans, dj' a adji), fé (dji fai, nos
	fians, dj' a fait)

- lamb: on agnea, on bedot
- agent: on ajant

- to widen, make bigger, extend: agrandi (dj' agrandi, nos
	agrandixhans, dj' a agrandi), crexhe (dji crexhe, nos crexhans, dj' a

- to attack: ataker (dj' atake, nos atakans, dj' a ataké); årgouwer
	(dj' årgowe, nos årgouwans, dj' a årgouwé)

- to help: aidî (dj' aide, nos aidans, dj' a aidé); diner on côp d' mwin

- eagle: on aigue
- needle: ene aweye
- wing: ene aile, on pena
- sowhere:  ene sawice, ene sadju, quéke påt
- somewhere else: ôte påt
- kind, nice: inmåve, amichtåve, binamé

- to love: inmer (dj' inme, nos inmans, dj' a inmé); vey voltî (dji
	voe, nos veyans, dj' a veyu)

- air: ene air
- airbag: on cossin d' air
- alcohol: alcool
- neighbourhood: on vinåve, on vijhnåve, on cårtî
- food: on amougnî, on magn'hon, ene marinde
- feeding: on amougnî, ene amonucion

- to lengthen, to make longer: ralongui (dji ralongui, nos
	ralonguixhans, dj' a ralongui); alondjî (dj' alondje, nos alondjans,
	dj' a alondjî); s(i)tinde (dji stind, nos stindans, dj' a stindu)

- to light: aloumer (dj' aloume), esprinde (dj' esprind)
- to go: aler [daler] (dji va, nos alans, dj' a stî)
- then: adon (in time); d' abôrd (consequence)
- lark: aloye, ålouwete
- alphabet: on alfabet, on åbécé
- ambulance: ene ambulance
- to improve: amîdrer (dj' amîdreye, nos amîdrans, dj' a amîdré), remîdrer
- soul: ene åme
- to thin: ateni (dj' ateni, nos atenixhans, dj' a ateni)
- thin: tene
- friend: ami, camaeråde
- friendship: ene amisté

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