1.  Numbers (ordinal, cardinal, adverb)

zero            zérô
one             onk / yink
two             deus
three           troes
four            cwate
five            cénk 
six             shijh
seven           set
eight           ût
nine            noûf
ten             dîjh
eleven          onze
twelve          doze
thirteen        traze
fourteen        catwaze
fifteen         cwénze
sixteen         saze
seventeen       dîjh-set
eightteen       dîjh-ût
nineteen        dîjh-noûf
twenty          vint
twenty-one	vint-onk
twenty-two	vint-deus
thirty          trinte
fourty          cwarante
fifty           céncante
sixty           swessante 
seventy         septante
eighty          cwatrè-vint / ûtante
ninety          nonate
hundred         cint 
thousand        meye / mile 
million         milion
billion         miliård


first           prumî (masc.) / prumîre (fem.)
second          deuzinme
third           troezinme
fourth          cwatrinme
fifth           cénkinme
 and so forth: the recipe is to add the suffix -inme to numerals.


first           prumîrmint
second          deuzinm'mint
third           troezinm'mint
 and so forth: the recipe is to add the suffix -mint to the cardinal form.

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